
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Foo Fighters
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Not the band! This episode is about the UFO that the band is named after. What were they? Basketballs flying at 30,000 feet? Spirit orbs? Alien probes?!? Lets find out in this week's episode!
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The term "Foo Fighters" originally referred to mysterious aerial phenomena reported by pilots during World War II. These objects were described as glowing or luminous balls of light that seemed to follow aircraft, often maneuvering in ways that defied known physics. The sightings were reported by pilots from both Allied and Axis powers, leading to speculation about their origin and nature.
The term "Foo Fighter" itself was coined by Allied pilots, inspired by a comic strip of the time called "Smokey Stover" which featured a character named "Foo Fighter." The sightings were initially kept secret due to concerns about morale and fears that the phenomena might be some form of secret weapon developed by the enemy.
Despite numerous reports and investigations, the true nature of the Foo Fighters remains unclear. Some theories suggest they were natural atmospheric phenomena, such as St. Elmo's Fire or ball lightning, while others speculate they could have been experimental aircraft or drones developed by one of the warring nations.
In more contemporary usage, "Foo Fighters" also refers to a popular American rock band formed in 1994 by former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl. The band's name was reportedly chosen as an homage to the World War II phenomena, reflecting Grohl's fascination with the unexplained and mysterious.

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Fluoride: How Bad Is It?
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Come along this week as we discuss the nefarious chemical added to drinking water in many places, fluoride! Is it good? Is it bad? Will it make us grow strange things in strange places?!? Let's find out!
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
The "fluoride conspiracy" is a term used to describe various theories and beliefs that assert fluoride, a compound commonly added to water supplies and oral hygiene products like toothpaste, is harmful to human health and is being used for nefarious purposes by governments or other entities. These theories often suggest that fluoride is being used for mind control, population control, or other sinister agendas.
However, it's important to note that these theories lack scientific credibility and are widely regarded as conspiracy theories. The overwhelming scientific consensus, supported by numerous studies and research conducted by reputable institutions worldwide, is that fluoride, when used in appropriate concentrations, is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay and promoting dental health. The addition of fluoride to water supplies, known as water fluoridation, has been recognized by organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as one of the most significant public health achievements of the 20th century.
Conspiracy theories about fluoride often stem from misunderstandings, misinformation, and distrust of government or authority. It's essential to critically evaluate information and rely on reputable sources when assessing claims about public health and safety.

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Mysterious Lights
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Come along this week as we discuss some mysterious lights! People all over the world see strange and unexplainable lights in the distance. The Min Min lights, the Paulding Light, The Marfa Lights, and more!
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
The Georgia Guidestones
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Come along for the tale of the Georgia Guidestones!
You can fin all o four wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
The Georgia Guidestones were a large granite monument located in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. Often referred to as "America's Stonehenge," the structure was erected in 1980 and consisted of six granite slabs, with a central pillar surrounded by four large upright stones topped with a capstone.
The monument featured inscriptions in eight modern languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) and four ancient languages (Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs). These inscriptions presented a set of ten guidelines or principles for humanity. Here are the guidelines as they appeared on the stones:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature.
The origin of the Guidestones is shrouded in mystery. They were commissioned by a person or group under the pseudonym "R.C. Christian," whose true identity remains unknown. The guidelines etched on the stones have sparked much controversy and conspiracy theories, with some interpreting them as a call for a new world order or population control, while others see them as a modern philosophical guide.
Unfortunately, the Georgia Guidestones were destroyed in an act of vandalism on July 6, 2022, and the remains were subsequently removed for safety reasons.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
From the Files of Project Bluebook Part 4
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Come along for some more shenanigans from Project Bluebook.
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Background and History
Project Sign (1947-1949): The first official Air Force investigation into UFOs. Project Sign concluded that most sightings could be explained as misidentifications of natural phenomena or man-made objects. However, some reports suggested the possibility of extraterrestrial origin, leading to a split opinion among the investigators.
Project Grudge (1949-1952): This project followed Project Sign and took a more skeptical and debunking approach. It aimed to demystify UFO sightings and diminish public interest by attributing them to misidentifications, hoaxes, and psychological factors.
Establishment of Project Blue Book
In 1952, due to a significant increase in UFO sightings, the Air Force established Project Blue Book under the direction of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt. The project was based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Ruppelt is credited with formalizing the investigation process and coining the term "Unidentified Flying Object" (UFO).
Project Blue Book's methodology included:
- Collection of Data: Gathering reports from military personnel, pilots, police officers, and civilians. Sightings were reported through various channels, including direct reports to the Air Force and through media outlets.
- Investigation: Each report was subjected to thorough investigation, which often involved field investigations, interviews with witnesses, and consultations with experts in various fields.
- Analysis: The project employed a team of scientists, engineers, and analysts to evaluate the data. They used various methods to determine if sightings could be explained by conventional means, such as weather balloons, aircraft, astronomical phenomena, or psychological factors.
Key Personnel
- Captain Edward J. Ruppelt: The first director of Project Blue Book, who introduced rigorous scientific methods to the investigation.
- Dr. J. Allen Hynek: A scientific consultant who initially was skeptical of UFO reports but later became convinced that some cases were not easily explainable. He later founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS).
Notable Cases
- The Washington National Sightings (1952): A series of radar and visual sightings over Washington, D.C., which received significant media attention and led to a high-level Air Force investigation.
- The Lubbock Lights (1951): A series of lights seen over Lubbock, Texas, which were photographed and widely reported. The Air Force later suggested that the lights might have been caused by birds reflecting city lights.
- The Lonnie Zamora Incident (1964): A sighting by a police officer in Socorro, New Mexico, who reported seeing a landed craft and two humanoid figures. This case remains unexplained.
Conclusion and Legacy
Project Blue Book was officially terminated on December 17, 1969, following the recommendations of the University of Colorado UFO Project, led by Dr. Edward Condon. The Condon Report concluded that further extensive study of UFOs was not justified.
By the end of Project Blue Book, 12,618 UFO reports had been collected. The findings were categorized as follows:
- Identified (known or probable): 701 cases remained unidentified.
The project’s conclusion that there was no evidence of extraterrestrial visitation and no threat to national security did not quell public interest in UFOs. Project Blue Book's records were declassified and are available for public review, continuing to fuel speculation and research in the UFO phenomenon.
Public and Cultural Impact
Project Blue Book had a significant impact on public perception of UFOs. It was the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and television series, and it contributed to the enduring fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life and unidentified aerial phenomena. The project's records continue to be a valuable resource for researchers and enthusiasts interested in UFO phenomena.

Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Life In The Universe: The Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Is there life out there? Can we calculate the chances? And if life is common, why can't we find it? Come along this week as we discuss the Drake Equation, the Fermi Paradox, and a few other topics related to extra terrestrial life. Is there good evidence for life in the clouds of Venus? Was the WOW signal of alien origin? Let's find out in this week's episode!
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence or contact with such civilizations. Named after physicist Enrico Fermi, the paradox can be summarized by the question: "Where is everybody?"
Key points of the Fermi Paradox include:
Large Number of Stars and Planets: There are billions of stars in our galaxy, many of which have planets in the habitable zone where life could potentially arise. Given the vast number of planets, it seems statistically likely that some of them would develop intelligent life.
Age of the Galaxy: Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is about 13.6 billion years old. This suggests that there has been plenty of time for intelligent life to develop and potentially spread across the galaxy.
Technological Progress: If intelligent civilizations exist, they might develop technologies far beyond our current capabilities, including interstellar travel and communication.
Lack of Evidence: Despite extensive searches for extraterrestrial life, including SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) efforts, we have not found any definitive signs of intelligent life beyond Earth.
Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the Fermi Paradox:
Rare Earth Hypothesis: The conditions necessary for life, particularly intelligent life, are extremely rare and Earth might be a unique exception.
Great Filter: There might be a stage in the development of life that is extremely difficult to surpass. This "Great Filter" could be before, during, or after the emergence of intelligent life. If it is ahead of us, it could be an existential threat to our own civilization.
Technological Self-Destruction: Advanced civilizations may tend to self-destruct through wars, environmental destruction, or other means before they can reach out to us.
Non-Interference: Extraterrestrial civilizations might deliberately avoid contact with us to allow for natural development (similar to the Prime Directive in Star Trek).
Different Communication Methods: Extraterrestrial civilizations might use communication methods that we do not yet understand or are unable to detect.
Simulation Hypothesis: Our reality might be a simulated universe, and the creators of the simulation have not included other intelligent civilizations.
The Fermi Paradox continues to be a topic of significant scientific, philosophical, and speculative interest.
The Drake Equation is a formula used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. Developed by Dr. Frank Drake in 1961, the equation attempts to quantify the factors that would play a role in the development and detectability of such civilizations. The equation is expressed as:
\[ N = R_* \times f_p \times n_e \times f_l \times f_i \times f_c \times L \]
- \( N \) is the number of civilizations with which humans could communicate.
- \( R_* \) is the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy.
- \( f_p \) is the fraction of those stars that have planetary systems.
- \( n_e \) is the average number of planets that could potentially support life per star that has planets.
- \( f_l \) is the fraction of planets that could support life where life actually appears.
- \( f_i \) is the fraction of planets with life where intelligent life evolves.
- \( f_c \) is the fraction of planets with intelligent life that are able to communicate with us.
- \( L \) is the length of time such civilizations can communicate.
The Drake Equation is more of a framework for scientific discussion rather than a precise calculation, as many of the factors are currently unknown or based on speculative estimates. It serves to guide research and to understand the uncertainties and variables involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
The Wow! signal was a strong, narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project at the Big Ear radio telescope of Ohio State University. The signal appeared to come from the constellation Sagittarius and bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin.
Key points about the Wow! signal:
1. **Detection**: The signal was detected at a frequency of 1420.456 MHz, which is very close to the hydrogen line (1420 MHz), a frequency that scientists consider significant in the search for extraterrestrial communications.
2. **Duration**: The signal lasted for 72 seconds, which was the maximum observation time possible with the Big Ear telescope before the rotation of the Earth moved the signal out of view.
3. **Intensity**: The signal's intensity was marked as "6EQUJ5" in the notation used by the Big Ear telescope, with "6" being the lowest intensity and "U" being the highest during the signal's duration.
4. **Location**: The signal appeared to originate from a point in the sky near the star group Chi Sagittarii in the constellation Sagittarius.
5. **Significance**: The Wow! signal is considered one of the most promising candidates for a potential extraterrestrial radio transmission. The exact source of the signal remains unknown, and it has not been detected again despite several subsequent attempts.
6. **Name**: The signal got its name when Dr. Ehman circled the signal on the printout and wrote "Wow!" in the margin, reflecting his astonishment at the discovery.
The Wow! signal remains one of the greatest mysteries in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, as it has never been explained or repeated. It has fueled speculation and interest in the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Thursday Jun 30, 2022
CH 12 The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Come along for another chapter of Keyhoe's classic book about UFOs! This time around he discusses various famous cases, the possibility that UFO's could be man made, missiles, or even ET.
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
Donald Keyhoe was an American Marine Corps naval aviator and writer, best known for his work on UFOs (unidentified flying objects). Here are some key points about him:
1. **Early Life and Career**:
- Born on June 20, 1897, in Ottumwa, Iowa.
- Graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1919.
- Served as a Marine Corps naval aviator, where he flew various missions.
2. **Writing Career**:
- After his military career, Keyhoe became a prolific writer.
- He authored adventure stories and articles for magazines such as "Weird Tales" and "Argosy."
- Keyhoe also wrote several aviation-themed books and biographies, including "Flying with Lindbergh," about his time managing Charles Lindbergh’s tour.
3. **UFO Research and Writings**:
- Keyhoe became involved in UFO research in the late 1940s.
- In 1950, he published an article in "True" magazine titled "Flying Saucers Are Real," which became highly popular and was later expanded into a book of the same name.
- He argued that UFOs were real and that the U.S. government was covering up information about them.
- Keyhoe co-founded the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in 1956, becoming one of the leading civilian UFO research organizations.
- He continued to write extensively on the subject, publishing several books, including "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" and "Aliens from Space."
4. **Impact and Legacy**:
- Keyhoe’s work brought significant public attention to the UFO phenomenon during the 1950s and 1960s.
- He is remembered for his steadfast belief in the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs and for advocating for government transparency on the issue.
- Although controversial, his writings helped shape public perception of UFOs and influenced subsequent generations of UFO researchers.
Donald Keyhoe passed away on November 29, 1988, but his contributions to the field of UFO research continue to be recognized and discussed.

Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Indrid Cold - Aliens, UFOs, or Just a Prank?
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Come along this week as we discuss the strange case of Indrid Cold. Was he an alien, some sort of cryptid, maybe someone dressed up in a costume? Lets find out in this week's episode!
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
As mentioned during the episode, check out a visualization I made many years ago for the intro song, The Surfer From Mars.
Indrid Cold, also known as the "Smiling Man," is a figure in American folklore and UFO lore. His story is most prominently associated with the Mothman legend and the Point Pleasant, West Virginia sightings in the 1960s. Here are some key points about Indrid Cold:
First Encounter: The first reported encounter with Indrid Cold was on November 2, 1966, near Parkersburg, West Virginia. Woodrow Derenberger, a local salesman, claimed to have been stopped by a strange flying craft on the highway. A man who introduced himself as "Indrid Cold" emerged from the craft and communicated telepathically with Derenberger.
Appearance: Indrid Cold is described as a tall man with a broad, almost unsettling smile. He wore a reflective, metallic suit and had dark, slicked-back hair. His demeanor was reported to be calm and non-threatening.
Communication: According to Derenberger, Indrid Cold communicated primarily through telepathy. He asked Derenberger questions about humans and their way of life, indicating he was an extraterrestrial being interested in learning about Earth.
Connection to Mothman: Indrid Cold's sightings are often mentioned in conjunction with the Mothman phenomenon, which occurred in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, around the same time. Some researchers and enthusiasts suggest a connection between Cold and the Mothman, though this link is largely speculative and part of the broader mythology.
Subsequent Encounters: Following Derenberger's initial encounter, there were other reports of sightings and interactions with beings similar to Indrid Cold. These accounts added to the mystery and folklore surrounding him.
Pop Culture: Indrid Cold has become a significant figure in UFO lore and has appeared in various books, movies, and television shows. One notable reference is in John Keel's book "The Mothman Prophecies," which explores the Mothman sightings and associated phenomena, including Indrid Cold.
Indrid Cold remains a mysterious and enigmatic figure in paranormal studies and continues to intrigue those interested in UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters.

Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Action Park the Most Dangerous Amusement Park
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Thursday Jun 16, 2022
Come along for this week's episode as we discuss the general insanity that was Action Park!
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It all started in the late 70's when Uncle Gene wanted to make money with his ski resort in the off season. He installed the infamous alpine slide. Over time he installed more rides until Action Park became a full blown amusement park. But it wasn't your normal park. Unlike places like Disneyland or Cedar Point, there was no concern for guest safety. There was also no concern for actual ride design. Whether making a ridiculous looping slide, or building tacks out of pvc pipe, the rides were not designed by actual engineers who knew about stuff like momentum and g-forces. Instead, rides were designed and installed by people with no previous experience. For example the infamous canonball loop was designed by Uncle Gene himself on a napkin. The park was open until 1996. During that time many people were injured, and 6 people tragically perished. The lack of safety, the culture of danger, and the party atmosphere where underage guests and employees were drunk much of the time, has earned Action Park the reputation of the craziest and most dangerous amusement and water park ever.

Thursday Jun 09, 2022
CH 11 The Flying Saucers Are Real by Donald Keyhoe
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Come along for another riveting chapter of Keyhoe's book! This time around he talks mostly about space travel and stuff. It's pretty interesting to read a discussion of space travel before the first satellite, Sputnik, had gone to space.
You can find all of our wonderful links on the linktree: https://linktr.ee/allts
Donald Keyhoe was an American Marine Corps naval aviator and writer, best known for his work on UFOs (unidentified flying objects). Here are some key points about him:
Early Life and Career:
- Born on June 20, 1897, in Ottumwa, Iowa.
- Graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1919.
- Served as a Marine Corps naval aviator, where he flew various missions.
Writing Career:
- After his military career, Keyhoe became a prolific writer.
- He authored adventure stories and articles for magazines such as "Weird Tales" and "Argosy."
- Keyhoe also wrote several aviation-themed books and biographies, including "Flying with Lindbergh," about his time managing Charles Lindbergh’s tour.
UFO Research and Writings:
- Keyhoe became involved in UFO research in the late 1940s.
- In 1950, he published an article in "True" magazine titled "Flying Saucers Are Real," which became highly popular and was later expanded into a book of the same name.
- He argued that UFOs were real and that the U.S. government was covering up information about them.
- Keyhoe co-founded the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in 1956, becoming one of the leading civilian UFO research organizations.
- He continued to write extensively on the subject, publishing several books, including "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" and "Aliens from Space."
Impact and Legacy:
- Keyhoe’s work brought significant public attention to the UFO phenomenon during the 1950s and 1960s.
- He is remembered for his steadfast belief in the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs and for advocating for government transparency on the issue.
- Although controversial, his writings helped shape public perception of UFOs and influenced subsequent generations of UFO researchers.
Donald Keyhoe passed away on November 29, 1988, but his contributions to the field of UFO research continue to be recognized and discussed.